Conceptually, Scenario
is a sequence of events, that are described by a piece of promise-based code. It is designed to simplify state management and asynchronous control flow in your application.
Scenario may start instantly or may be triggered by promise-like objects.
type Trigger<T> = PromiseLike<T> | (() => PromiseLike<T>);
type Callback<T, R> = (value: T) => R;
interface Config {
id: string;
tags: [];
strategy: 'fork' | 'cyclic' | 'once';
function scenario<T, R>(callback: Callback<T, R>, config?: Partial<Config>): Scenario<T, R>;
function scenario<T, R>(trigger: Trigger<T>, callback: Callback<T, R>, config?: Partial<Config>): Scenario<T, R>;
- fork - runs scenarios in parallel
- cyclic - runs scenario only if previous one is completed
- once - run scenario only one time
Default strategy
By default instant scenarios use cyclic
strategy, whereas scenarios with trigger use fork
Scenario of writing every counter change into sessionStorage
scenario(, (value) => {
sessionStorage.setItem('counter', value);
Scenario that re-fetches data every N seconds or by clicking a refresh button
// Trigger may be a function returning a promise.
// This makes it possible to combine multiple promise-likes.
const dataRevalidateScenario = scenario(
() => Promise.any([delay(REFETCH_INTERVAL),]),
async () => {
const data = await fetchData();
{ strategy: 'cyclic' }
Scenario has its events, which may be used to trigger another scenario
scenario(, () => {
console.log('Data revalidated')
Other types
Other types
export interface CompletedEvent<T, R> {
event: T;
result: R;
config: Config;
export interface StartedEvent<T> {
event: T;
config: Config;
export interface Scenario<T, R> {
events: {
completed: AwaiEvent<CompletedEvent<T, R>>;
failed: AwaiEvent<unknown>;
started: AwaiEvent<StartedEvent<T>>;