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State is a an object which stores data and emits events.

const state = <T>(initialValue: T, config?: Partial<Config>): State<T> => { /* ... */ };

interface Config {
id: string;
tags: string[];

The state object has the following properties:

  • get: A method that returns current value
  • set: A method that sets new value
  • events: A record of re-resolvable events
    • changed
State usage
const counter = state(0);

setTimeout(counter.set, 100, 'hello');
setTimeout(counter.set, 200, 'awai');

const value1 = await;
const value2 = await;

console.log(`${value1} ${value2}`); // hello awai

It's quite remarkable that has always the same reference. Notice how it was resolved with two different values in the snippet above.